What is your outdoor philosophy?
There are great benefits of children going outside even when it’s cold. Children of all ages need fresh air and exercise. Going outside each day actually helps keep children healthy. One reason is it reduces the risk of catching colds or other illnesses because infectious organisms are less concentrated outdoors so children are less likely to ingest other children’s germs. Sunlight exposure to the skin helps provide a child’s body with much needed vitamin D which assists in the growth of strong bones. When children are allowed to go outside it instills in them the importance of physical activity and exercise to stay healthy. Time spent outside affords children an opportunity to break free from the structure of the indoor classroom especially for those children who are very active and love the outdoors. Infants can also participate in outside activities as well, however, it is sometimes difficult to judge when weather conditions are safe in extreme conditions. So their outside time may be limited more than the older children.
How do I enroll my child in your program?
You can access the application and list of paperwork you need in our Child Application section.
What curriculum do you use?
We use teaching strategies GOLD for our curriculum and classrooms assessments. GOLD is an online program we use to help guide our lesson plans and individualizations using 38 objectives within the following domains: social emotional, physical, language, cognitive, literacy, and mathematics.
As a parent can I spend time in the classroom?
Absolutely. We encourage family members to volunteer at OKC Educare. For more information about getting involved in the classroom as well as our Parent Committee, contact your Family Advocate.
Do you cook your own meals on site?
Yes, OKC Educare has its own kitchen on-site with kitchen staff who prepare a healthy and tasty breakfast, lunch, and snack daily for children and staff.
How can I get a tour of Educare?
Tours of OKC Educare are available by calling the school in advance and set up a time. This way, the tour can be tailored more to your needs and interests.
Could I use one of your rooms for a meeting?
Yes. For more information and scheduling requests, call OKC Educare at (405) 605-8232.
How can I volunteer at Educare?
OKC Educare loves and welcomes volunteers. If you are looking for a consistent volunteer engagement, an opportunity for a group of 15 or less, or a one-time experience, contact Taprina Milburn at tmilburnchyder@okceducare.org to learn more about available opportunities. Typical volunteer opportunities take place most Wednesdays and Fridays from 9-11:30 a.m. You must register for the opportunity in advance.
How do I apply for a job with you?
Visit the Staff Applications page of this website.
What job openings do you have?
Visit the Positions Available page of this website.
Do your employees have benefits?
Yes, check out the benefits of employment with OKC Educare at our Educare Advantages page of this website.
What requirements do you need to work at Educare?
We have many different job opportunities with a variety of requirements from having a CDA to a Masters degree. You can learn more about this at our Positions Available page.